US Multinationals: R&D expenditure in manufacturing (1966)
Natural resources used in 6 Western European countries, 1937-1982
Which UN resolutions does the UN Report "Multinational Corporations in World Development" (1973) reference?
Women authors in the International Labour Review (1921-1945)
Historicizing a planetary future
Development, international organizations and international economic thinking:a conceptual contribution
Interview with Beata Javorcik
The alternative Bretton Woods : the 1944 International Business Conference in Rye and the postwar international economic order
Democracy, Authoritarianism and Global Economic Governance
From the Global to the Planetary
Business and the Planetary History of International Environmental Governance in the 1970s
Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War
Planetary Politics: Reviving the Spirit of the Concept “Global Civil Society”
Business transnationalism, looking from the outside in
State and Non-State Institutions in Southern Africa